Welcome to my business values manifesto
Our values are so important in business. Well, our lives in general really! But it can be really easy to jot down a nice looking list early in your business journey and leave it in a long-forgotten notebook. You probably still embody those values, of course, but over time your connection wanes and eventually it can be easy to veer off course.
In order to keep myself accountable to my values, and to my beliefs, I’d like to share my business manifesto with you. These words have been carefully chosen to show you how I conduct myself and my business internally, but also outwardly in terms of my sales and marketing activities. Because it’s not enough to tell the world I don’t like the fear-inducing sales and marketing tactics we’ve all grown used to, I have to define what the alternative looks like and to stand up for that whole-heartedly.
So welcome to my world. I like to call it ‘possibility culture’. And these are the values that make possibilities a possibility.
Choice AND boundaries
This is about showing you that you have choices. Who you work with, and when. What content you consume, when and how. How you run your business, how you market yourself, how you create the life that you want. Everything is possible for you.
It’s about showing you that I will set boundaries around my time, services and availability… and you can too.
Playfulness AND insight
This is about showing you that it is possible to have fun in your work, your business, even in your marketing! I’ll always bring the fun, in my content and in our work together. This is about me helping you tune into what brings you deep joy, so you can have more of that in your life and work.
It’s about getting shit done. Fun won’t get in the way of getting the job done, it will HELP us get the job done.
Inclusion AND individuality
This is about creating a welcome, safe space for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, identity, or experience. This is about celebrating our diversity as human beings and the endless possibilities that can create for us.
It’s about celebrating YOU as an individual who has their own unique needs, dreams, vision and skills. That’s why I deliver work that is bespoke to you.
Inspiration AND action
This is about inspiring you with uplifting, exciting, relevant content, whether we are working together or not. It’s about showing you what’s possible for you and your business, what options are available and how you can take advantage of them.
It’s about turning that inspiration into practical, actionable steps that you can take action on, if they feel right to you.
Honesty AND kindness
This is about being real with you, whatever that looks like. I will celebrate my success and share my failures, so that you can learn from both. In our work together, I will always tell you the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear, and I will encourage you to do the same.
It’s about being kind. We are adults, so we can share our thoughts whilst still being sensitive to each other’s feelings.
Where to next?
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