Episode 72 - Break Up With Booze And Boost Your Business

Money or time? Which is more important to you? What about the bigger question: why should you have to choose??

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing an unconventional approach to balancing money and time for business owners, particularly those with ADHD. I share examples of the two main types of business owners I tend to see in my work coaching ADHD Business Owners: working all the time for not enough money and working all the time for more than enough money! I dig into the differences between the two, the pitfalls they often fall into, but also the one striking thing they tend to have in common. 

I also share some insights about the hidden beliefs that tend to hold ADHDers back when it comes to creating the right work-life balance, along with three key areas you can work on to start making a shift for yourself right now.

How do you feel about your current balance of money and time? Is it where you want it to be? If not, this episode is a must-listen.

If only there was someone you could go to who could help you do all of those things, and so much more, so you could find the right balance of time and money for you? Oh yeah. It's me 😃 I’m even my own best case study - I built my business based on a 24-hour week and I’m on track to reduce to 20 by the end of this year.

Email me at siobhan@revealmarketinguk.com if you’re curious about ADHD business coaching and let’s have a natter.