Remember when in-person networking was a thing?
Imagine the scenario - you're at networking and you're asked to describe what you do in 60 seconds. Do you:
a) freeze up and blab the first thing that comes into your head
b) try to make a joke to make an impression and forget to tell people what you do
c) reel off a sentence so punchy that you see several people nod and whisper 'ooh' to themselves. You didn't even need the full 60 seconds.
Just imagine if it was c every time! The reality is, for most of us it's either a or b. “That's because messaging is hard” I hear my clients say all the time. Or is it?
You kick ass at what you do
I’ll bet a decent chunk of cash that you started your biz because you were passionate about helping the world solve a big chunky problem, and you probably came up with a pretty cool way of doing it. Although you and your business are fearlessly awesome, your problem is that you tend to bang on about it a bit too much and forget to bang on about... YOUR CLIENTS! Your job is to show your audience that you really understand who they are and what they want to change.
Real talk: your clients don’t listen
The reality is, with all the noise out there and the stress of modern-day living, your potential clients don't have the headspace to care about HOW you solve their problem, they only care about WHAT their life will look like when you’ve solved it. You know I got you, right? Here are some simple tricks to flip the script and make sure your messaging is hitting the right beats, every time.
1. Talk about your clients. All the time. At every opportunity. Talk about the A to B journey they went on when they discovered your product or service, bought it and used it. Anonymise the stories to protect your clients' privacy if you need to, but focus your marketing message on your clients, first and foremost. If in doubt, spend at least 60% of your time, words and content on this.
2. Talk about the real you. Let people see the face behind the business. Yeah you've got a degree and a masters and that's great, but what do you do in real life? What books do you read? What passions do you have? What gets you out of bed in the morning? Remember: people buy from people, so you need to show the world you're a real person! If in doubt, don't spend more than 25% of your time talking about this. And don’t forget, talking about the real you doesn’t have to mean talking about ALL of you. Imagine you’re a victoria sponge: so long as you’re sharing all the layers of a particular slice, you don’t have to share all the slices. You feel me?
3. Talk about how your products and services work and how you deliver them, but try to SHOW rather than TELL where you can. Let me guess, I bet this is what you spend most of your time on, am I right? Cut it down to 15%. Trust me on this!
So there you go, a simple messaging framework that you can put into practice today! Hey, if you're sitting there thinking 'hmmm, I don't really know how I transform my clients' lives' then you know what? In March 2021 I ran a challenge over on Instagram to to help you reveal the messaging you need to attract and convert the right clients for you, every time.
And of course, if you’d like to nail your message right now, we can do that too. Just hit the button below to learn more about how I can help you.