Will we make it?
It’s the question on every small business owner’s lips, isn’t it? Will the impact on coronavirus and lockdown on our small businesses, our lives and the economy be too much? Every day we see another big business crumble and it’s terrifying to watch. Many small business owners have been able to access grants, bounce back loans, or claim unemployment, but many (life myself) have fallen through the cracks and been unable to access any government support at all. Regardless of support (or lack thereof), we’re all desperately looking at how to make it work, how to cling on. So, as we enter a recession for the first time in 11 years, how do we ride out this period of uncertainty and ensure we come out of the recession with our livelihoods intact? Well, I believe i have the answer, but it might not be one you like!
Oh god, not the ‘P’ word
I wince as I write this, but unfortunately one of the biggest answers lies in the ‘pivot’. There, I said it. (Hang on, I might just need to grab the anti-bac after typing that). It’s a giant ugly cliche, but it’s true: businesses that can quickly adapt their products and services to the current reality are much more likely to survive. This might mean selling and delivering what you do online, it might mean rethinking your businesses premises so that PPE and social distancing are more practical, it might even mean offering something new that helps other small businesses to operate in the current climate. The key is to really think about your audience: what do they really need right now? If you can find a way to solve their problems quickly and efficiently, you will stay in business. Fact.
Change can actually be good
The thing to remember about this new reality is that not all the changes we have experienced are bad. Obviously, for the thousands that have lost their lives or are related to them, that is not the case. But what do we know about dark times? In order to find the light, you have to look for it. So, despite the corona-coaster, despite the tears I’ve shed watching the news, despite the worry, the stress, the fear… I’ve discovered a leaner, more relevant, more profitable way of operating my business. The thing is, I’m not alone. During lockdown many of us were reminded of our values, of what really mattered to us. Locked in at home with just ourselves, our partners, or our families, our world shrank overnight. It was horrific and frankly terrifying at the time, but looking back I can see the gift that it gave me, and many other people I know. All of a sudden with no commute, no school run, no social interaction… gradually we were able to see what sort of life we really wanted.
Time to get it, get it
So, my fellow small business buddies, it’s time to knuckle down and go get it. So where do you start? Well, firstly you need to ask the audience...and be prepared to listen! Talk to your clients, do your research and find out what they are really struggling with right now. You may already have a product or service that answers their need, but if you don’t, how else could you serve them right now? When you look at the world’s most successful companies, for example giants such as Google, Amazon and Apple, what do they all do brilliantly? I’ll tell you: they listen to the market and they listen to their customers. And not just that, they respond too. They listen, hunt for the underlying issue and then respond with products and services that their customers didn’t even realise they needed. It’s the key to all the moneys, I’m telling you.
It’s ok, you’re not alone
For the last couple of months I have been talking to lots of small business owners about how they are feeling and as such, have completely revamped my service offering. One of the biggest problems I have been hearing is that people don’t know how to educate their audience about why what they do is so amazing. So, in response I have designed a brand new mentoring programme to help them nail their marketing message. Messaging is incredibly simple, but it’s bloody hard to build it on your own, and that’s why I’m here to help! If you’d like to know more, hit me up for a chat and let’s talk about how your business can not only survive, but THRIVE!