Episode 45: Rest IS the work

Did you know there are seven different types of rest. Seven! When you hear the word 'rest', what comes up for you?

In this episode, I am sharing some of the juiciest things I have learned about rest and why sometimes rest IS the work we need to be doing above all else. I discuss what it is (and isn't!), what it can look like, how to access it and why it's so important for us to make time for - in particular for us business owners!

I share some helpful prompts for you to reflect on how you feel about and currently access rest. I also talk through the seven different types of rest and share some of the ways I access them in my own life, to inspire you to consider what that looks like for you.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, especially as it's particularly close to my heart. What does rest mean for you? How has this ep helped you think about rest? Hit me up with your thoughts and opinions - I'm here for it: siobhan@revealmarketinguk.com